This week has been a bit hectic. We are in the process of buying a home and were trying to close on Friday and move in on Saturday, but that is not going to happen. Looks like our closing will happen on Wednesday. Not a big fan of waiting until the last minute to do everything. So it's crunch time for us.. Thank God for some family and friend helpers that don't mind last minute details.
Bath time
I love the nightly ritual of bath time. I will look at Joel at around 6:30 and say "are you ready for your bath?" He will drop whatever he is doing and run to the bathroom door with a ton of enthusiasm and excitement. He loves to help turn the faucet on, dump some bubble bath in and then runs to his room to get undressed. The little nakey boy then runs down the hall towards the bathroom as he squeals and flails his hands and arms. He's like a kid in a candy store. Then it's nothing but happy smiles as he splishes and splashes in the tub.
Getting Ready for the EB
I love how they just go with it....Silly ears and all. I think the egg coloring and Easter egg hunt will have to wait until next year. I still need to get them not on top of these things right now.
Visits and Such
This is Uncle Nathan (where his middle name was derived from) He's on Joel's top 5 list of favorite people. Nothing but bliss and excitement when he's around. They both act like total goof balls together.
Grandma Thomas loves holding little Myah. I love seeing how much love and nurture this amazing woman has for my children. She is so lovely.
Myah has started to smile alot this past week and she even laughed last night and this morning as her little sunshine eyes lit up. She is desperately trying to roll from her back to stomach and has almost succeeded. I guess I can't leave her on a high surface anymore :) Hopefully I can snatch a smile picture this weekend as she's dressed up for Easter.
Looking forward to this weekend with family and friends. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Happy Easter!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Myah Joy Thomas....The Birth Story
Myah Joy Thomas entered the world on January 20, 2011. I had a scheduled csection, which was a very fabulous thing in my opinion. I got to the hospital at 6:30 am and by 8:30 am I was on the operating table having my daughter.
we look fabulous here.....ha!
Throughout my entire pregnancy, I felt mentally attacked.....meaning every day thoughts would enter my mind that there was something wrong with my baby. I would continuously pray against it every time it happened. I read a book Joyce Meyer wrote called "Power Thoughts" and it helped me to take my mind and thoughts captive and trust in God with my life and with my baby. I still to this day am a little confused about whether or not this was God's way of preparing me for what was to come.
I will be totally honest in what I am about to say and it might be more info then you would like to hear.
I only had the desire to have 2 children. When I found out I was having a girl I was so excited. I felt that having one of each would complete our little family. I had it scheduled to have my tubes tied and cauterized once they finished the csection. I figured I was done having children and if I am going to be cut open, why not have the doctor do it then and there.
Finally I was going to meet my little princess. The anesthesia worked great. I didn't feel a thing or get sick and I didn't have the uncontrollable shakes like I had with Joel. The doctor took her out, peeked over the curtain they have up so I wasn't watching the scene and she looked at me and said "I don't think it's a good idea to have your tubes tied. It appears your daughter has characteristics of Down Syndrome. I would like to hold off on getting your tubes tied and if in 6 weeks you decide to go ahead with it, it will be a very minor procedure". So I lay there in the operating room thinking to myself "God.....was that you trying to prepare me for this news? It wasn't a mental attack after all? But why would you prepare me for something that is not perfect and problematic? I started thinking "what will we do? How will this affect our lives? Will we ever be able to live a "normal" life? Will she have to live with us forever? And the list goes on and on. So, I was not super shocked at this news because I was somewhat prepared in the back of my mind.
Myah was not pinking up right away, so I got to see her for a few seconds before they whisked her away to the NICU to be put on oxygen. They thought she had all sorts of issues. They thought she had a heart defect because of a murmur, lung issues, digestive name it....they thought she had it. I knew absolutely NOTHING about DS and the complications one can have with it. I honestly just thought of a mentally retarded person that would not go very far in life......I really think alot of people who have not been affected by someone with DS in their lives, thinks the same thing.
To answer a question....I did not have pre-natal screening tests done with either of my children. I felt that if a test were to come out positive, I would stress the remainder of my pregnancy, I would never get an abortion, and I would have tried to pray it away and feel angry and frustrated if nothing changed.
I was wheeled into my room and sat there in a numb shock. They wanted to transfer Myah to Childrens Hospital Downtown to do further tests that they were unable to do at the hospital I had her at. I was able to hold her for about 10 minutes before they transferred her to Childrens the evening of her birth. I felt overwhelmed. I felt helpless. It was terrible to be recovering at one hospital, and to have my newborn baby at another one and being unable to bond with her right away. She was hooked up to all sorts of tubes and wires. It looked pitiful and nothing a mother wants to see for her newborn. The only thing I knew to do was pray. Ask everyone I know to pray and to trust that God had his hand upon her life. I remember my dad saying "well, we know nothing about down syndrome, but i'm gonna love my grandaughter just as much as my grandson" That brought alot of comfort to me.
That evening, once Myah was at Childrens, phone calls trickled in from various doctors and nurses. One by one every test came back normal! I knew the prayers of our family and friends were being answered. It was encouraging, yet still we did not have the genetic tests back to confirm a diagnosis of DS. To be honest, when she was first born, you could tell she had DS. I think I tried to convince myself that it didn't look that way, but it did. Children's hospital did not have a bed to transfer me over there, so I discharged early so I could go be with Myah in the NICU. The first few days were very difficult. She was in the critical care NICU hooked up to all sorts of stuff. I was still in alot of pain and discomfort and my legs would swell quickly so I could only stay there with her for a short period of time. After a few days, she was transferred to the NICU for babies getting ready to go home.
The nurses did a great job creating a little nook in the corner of the room for me. They had a privacy wall that I was able to set up so I could pump, breastfeed and have privacy. I would drive up to the hospital every morning after spending an hour or so with Joel and then stay there with Myah until dinner time. I always tried making it back in time to spend a little time with Joel before he went to bed, then did the same thing for about 2 weeks.
And a side note....THANK YOU GOD for such amazing and supportive family and friends who helped out with meals, watching Joel, running errands, visiting us, praying, etc.
4 days prior to Myah's discharge, the doctor came in to confirm to me that Myah's blood work showed that she had Down Syndrome. I was by myself at the time of that news and I lost it. I had a smidget of hope that it would come back negative and that God would somehow heal Myah of DS. I sat there holding Myah balling my eyes out. She had no clue of the sadness I felt in my heart and I felt horrible even feeling the way I did.
The last few days driving to the hospital I used that time to talk to God, pray and listen to worship music. The day after the diagnosis was confirmed DS, I was listening to a song that was really touching my heart. I heard in my spirit God saying to me "You need to receive your daughter as a perfect gift from me. I knit her in your womb and she is my perfect creation and gift to you" So out loud in my car I said "I receive my daughter as a gift from you and will do my very best at being her parent" I could barely see because I was balling my eyes out, knowing that this needed to be done to bring healing to my heart. Something broke that day in me and I began to see Myah in a different way.
When something like this happens, you almost go through a grieving process. The Myah that I had envisioned died that day and I had to get used to the Myah that God had given us who might have special needs and who might have delays in life. I have realized through this that our world's definition of "normal" is not God's definition. He sees Myah as his perfect creation.
For a few weeks after her birth I was on a roller coaster or emotions. I wanted to go back in time and not have got pregnant again. I thought to myself, "how can this go away"? The thought of having a special needs child made me so uncomfortable. I thought to myself "God, I didn't sign up for this.....this is not how my life is supposed to be" I would come home from the hospital and ball my eyes out to David. I would say things like "how is this going to affect Joel, us and the future......How will she be accepted by our family and society? The list went on and on. I am so very thankful that David was a solid rock during all of this having God's rational perspective on it as opposed to my irrational thoughts of our future. It really helped me to accept Myah because of David's acceptance right from the get go. And to my somewhat surprise....EVERYONE...grandparents and all have nothing but love and acceptance for my little peanut. She is so loved and adored by everyone.
After 2 long weeks of traveling back and forth to the hospital....Myah was finally able to come home. They were waiting for her to be completely weaned off oxygen before sending her home. She was welcomed by her big brother and my mom. Joel knew something was different in his life, and now finally got to meet his sister. He starred at her, pointed to her, poked her and smiled.....and my heart melted knowing that he would love her unconditionally because to him, she was a perfect little baby sister. When God tells us to be accept and to see no Joel bug totally showed me that part of God's heart that day.
I wish I could go back from the day Myah was born and be 100% loving and accepting of her. It took me 6 weeks to fully get to the place where when I looked at her, I saw Myah Joy Thomas and not Down Syndrome. But I know that the healing process is necessary to go through. My comfortable life which seemed somewhat "perfect" was disrupted, and I had a hard time with that. It has totally showed me that I am not here on this earth to live a comfortable life. That compared to eternity, life on earth is but a blink of an eye. We are entrusted with our children as a gift from the Lord and we are accountable to raise them right and to do the best we can. Even if God chooses to give you a special needs child, He obviously knew what He was doing, and knew the plans and purposes of that child long before they were born.
I am encouraged everytime I am around the medical profession. They always make comments to me on how normal of a baby she is, even though she has DS. She has strong muscle tone, a strong heart, strong lungs and digestive system, a normal sized tongue and from the voice of her therapists is doing everything a "normal" baby her age should be doing.....and for that I am so grateful and so thankful. When Myah was 1 hour old, it was prayed and prophesied over her life that she was going to be a "wonderment". I truly believe that God did many things that morning in her first day of life that we are not even aware of. Many healings took place and thus far, she is living out that word over her life. She is the sweetest little beanie bear and I love her to pieces. And I can say with all honesty....I would NEVER trade her for anything......not even the Myah I thought she was going to be because this one is so much better.
I do not know what her future holds, but i know the God who holds her future and I know He promises good things for her life. Those who know me, know I am a planner and organizer by nature....God is teaching me through Myah to not look too far into the future where my mind can be deceived, but to take things one day at a time.
Myah is a very sweet natured baby. She loves to be talked to and study faces. She is adorable and my perfect little girl. Our prayer is that she will go above and beyond anything we could hope for. Now a days, people with DS are living great lives. Alot are living on their own, have jobs, volunteer, get married and the list goes on and on. Early intervention is a great program that I am thankful for.
Thank you for reading my story. I hope to inform people through my blogs from time to time on down syndrome and what it is and what it is not. For now, I am just enjoying my babies because they grow up way too fast and I don't want to look back with regrets.
we look fabulous here.....ha!
Throughout my entire pregnancy, I felt mentally attacked.....meaning every day thoughts would enter my mind that there was something wrong with my baby. I would continuously pray against it every time it happened. I read a book Joyce Meyer wrote called "Power Thoughts" and it helped me to take my mind and thoughts captive and trust in God with my life and with my baby. I still to this day am a little confused about whether or not this was God's way of preparing me for what was to come.
I will be totally honest in what I am about to say and it might be more info then you would like to hear.
I only had the desire to have 2 children. When I found out I was having a girl I was so excited. I felt that having one of each would complete our little family. I had it scheduled to have my tubes tied and cauterized once they finished the csection. I figured I was done having children and if I am going to be cut open, why not have the doctor do it then and there.
Finally I was going to meet my little princess. The anesthesia worked great. I didn't feel a thing or get sick and I didn't have the uncontrollable shakes like I had with Joel. The doctor took her out, peeked over the curtain they have up so I wasn't watching the scene and she looked at me and said "I don't think it's a good idea to have your tubes tied. It appears your daughter has characteristics of Down Syndrome. I would like to hold off on getting your tubes tied and if in 6 weeks you decide to go ahead with it, it will be a very minor procedure". So I lay there in the operating room thinking to myself "God.....was that you trying to prepare me for this news? It wasn't a mental attack after all? But why would you prepare me for something that is not perfect and problematic? I started thinking "what will we do? How will this affect our lives? Will we ever be able to live a "normal" life? Will she have to live with us forever? And the list goes on and on. So, I was not super shocked at this news because I was somewhat prepared in the back of my mind.
Myah was not pinking up right away, so I got to see her for a few seconds before they whisked her away to the NICU to be put on oxygen. They thought she had all sorts of issues. They thought she had a heart defect because of a murmur, lung issues, digestive name it....they thought she had it. I knew absolutely NOTHING about DS and the complications one can have with it. I honestly just thought of a mentally retarded person that would not go very far in life......I really think alot of people who have not been affected by someone with DS in their lives, thinks the same thing.
To answer a question....I did not have pre-natal screening tests done with either of my children. I felt that if a test were to come out positive, I would stress the remainder of my pregnancy, I would never get an abortion, and I would have tried to pray it away and feel angry and frustrated if nothing changed.
I was wheeled into my room and sat there in a numb shock. They wanted to transfer Myah to Childrens Hospital Downtown to do further tests that they were unable to do at the hospital I had her at. I was able to hold her for about 10 minutes before they transferred her to Childrens the evening of her birth. I felt overwhelmed. I felt helpless. It was terrible to be recovering at one hospital, and to have my newborn baby at another one and being unable to bond with her right away. She was hooked up to all sorts of tubes and wires. It looked pitiful and nothing a mother wants to see for her newborn. The only thing I knew to do was pray. Ask everyone I know to pray and to trust that God had his hand upon her life. I remember my dad saying "well, we know nothing about down syndrome, but i'm gonna love my grandaughter just as much as my grandson" That brought alot of comfort to me.
That evening, once Myah was at Childrens, phone calls trickled in from various doctors and nurses. One by one every test came back normal! I knew the prayers of our family and friends were being answered. It was encouraging, yet still we did not have the genetic tests back to confirm a diagnosis of DS. To be honest, when she was first born, you could tell she had DS. I think I tried to convince myself that it didn't look that way, but it did. Children's hospital did not have a bed to transfer me over there, so I discharged early so I could go be with Myah in the NICU. The first few days were very difficult. She was in the critical care NICU hooked up to all sorts of stuff. I was still in alot of pain and discomfort and my legs would swell quickly so I could only stay there with her for a short period of time. After a few days, she was transferred to the NICU for babies getting ready to go home.
The nurses did a great job creating a little nook in the corner of the room for me. They had a privacy wall that I was able to set up so I could pump, breastfeed and have privacy. I would drive up to the hospital every morning after spending an hour or so with Joel and then stay there with Myah until dinner time. I always tried making it back in time to spend a little time with Joel before he went to bed, then did the same thing for about 2 weeks.
And a side note....THANK YOU GOD for such amazing and supportive family and friends who helped out with meals, watching Joel, running errands, visiting us, praying, etc.
4 days prior to Myah's discharge, the doctor came in to confirm to me that Myah's blood work showed that she had Down Syndrome. I was by myself at the time of that news and I lost it. I had a smidget of hope that it would come back negative and that God would somehow heal Myah of DS. I sat there holding Myah balling my eyes out. She had no clue of the sadness I felt in my heart and I felt horrible even feeling the way I did.
The last few days driving to the hospital I used that time to talk to God, pray and listen to worship music. The day after the diagnosis was confirmed DS, I was listening to a song that was really touching my heart. I heard in my spirit God saying to me "You need to receive your daughter as a perfect gift from me. I knit her in your womb and she is my perfect creation and gift to you" So out loud in my car I said "I receive my daughter as a gift from you and will do my very best at being her parent" I could barely see because I was balling my eyes out, knowing that this needed to be done to bring healing to my heart. Something broke that day in me and I began to see Myah in a different way.
When something like this happens, you almost go through a grieving process. The Myah that I had envisioned died that day and I had to get used to the Myah that God had given us who might have special needs and who might have delays in life. I have realized through this that our world's definition of "normal" is not God's definition. He sees Myah as his perfect creation.
For a few weeks after her birth I was on a roller coaster or emotions. I wanted to go back in time and not have got pregnant again. I thought to myself, "how can this go away"? The thought of having a special needs child made me so uncomfortable. I thought to myself "God, I didn't sign up for this.....this is not how my life is supposed to be" I would come home from the hospital and ball my eyes out to David. I would say things like "how is this going to affect Joel, us and the future......How will she be accepted by our family and society? The list went on and on. I am so very thankful that David was a solid rock during all of this having God's rational perspective on it as opposed to my irrational thoughts of our future. It really helped me to accept Myah because of David's acceptance right from the get go. And to my somewhat surprise....EVERYONE...grandparents and all have nothing but love and acceptance for my little peanut. She is so loved and adored by everyone.
After 2 long weeks of traveling back and forth to the hospital....Myah was finally able to come home. They were waiting for her to be completely weaned off oxygen before sending her home. She was welcomed by her big brother and my mom. Joel knew something was different in his life, and now finally got to meet his sister. He starred at her, pointed to her, poked her and smiled.....and my heart melted knowing that he would love her unconditionally because to him, she was a perfect little baby sister. When God tells us to be accept and to see no Joel bug totally showed me that part of God's heart that day.
I wish I could go back from the day Myah was born and be 100% loving and accepting of her. It took me 6 weeks to fully get to the place where when I looked at her, I saw Myah Joy Thomas and not Down Syndrome. But I know that the healing process is necessary to go through. My comfortable life which seemed somewhat "perfect" was disrupted, and I had a hard time with that. It has totally showed me that I am not here on this earth to live a comfortable life. That compared to eternity, life on earth is but a blink of an eye. We are entrusted with our children as a gift from the Lord and we are accountable to raise them right and to do the best we can. Even if God chooses to give you a special needs child, He obviously knew what He was doing, and knew the plans and purposes of that child long before they were born.
I am encouraged everytime I am around the medical profession. They always make comments to me on how normal of a baby she is, even though she has DS. She has strong muscle tone, a strong heart, strong lungs and digestive system, a normal sized tongue and from the voice of her therapists is doing everything a "normal" baby her age should be doing.....and for that I am so grateful and so thankful. When Myah was 1 hour old, it was prayed and prophesied over her life that she was going to be a "wonderment". I truly believe that God did many things that morning in her first day of life that we are not even aware of. Many healings took place and thus far, she is living out that word over her life. She is the sweetest little beanie bear and I love her to pieces. And I can say with all honesty....I would NEVER trade her for anything......not even the Myah I thought she was going to be because this one is so much better.
I do not know what her future holds, but i know the God who holds her future and I know He promises good things for her life. Those who know me, know I am a planner and organizer by nature....God is teaching me through Myah to not look too far into the future where my mind can be deceived, but to take things one day at a time.
Myah is a very sweet natured baby. She loves to be talked to and study faces. She is adorable and my perfect little girl. Our prayer is that she will go above and beyond anything we could hope for. Now a days, people with DS are living great lives. Alot are living on their own, have jobs, volunteer, get married and the list goes on and on. Early intervention is a great program that I am thankful for.
Thank you for reading my story. I hope to inform people through my blogs from time to time on down syndrome and what it is and what it is not. For now, I am just enjoying my babies because they grow up way too fast and I don't want to look back with regrets.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Joel Nathan Thomas
Joel Nathan Thomas was born on August 6, 2009. This so happens to be my parents and my sister Colleen's wedding anniversary. I was convinced he was going to be early....when in fact he was a week and a half late and no where near making his grand entrance into this world.
Proud daddy :)
I was induced for 2 days and on the end of the second day ended up having a csection....totally unexpected. He was a very healthy boy. Weighing in at 8.8 lbs and 21 inches long.
Joel was a very happy and laid back baby. He is still is a very well tempered child. Joyful and peaceful. He is very sensative to others and has a very gentle and loving nature. He loves being around other people and LOVES his play kitchen! He gets super excited around people who are excited to see him. It's safe to say that his favorite person is my dad....Grandpa Hawkins. He can't get enough of him :) He's a talker and once he starts speaking in full sentences, he probablly won't stop talking. He is very busy and always on the move. He loves his little sister and doesn't seem too phased by her at all.
Winter 2009
Easter 2010
Spring 2010
Summer 2010
Joel's 1st Birthday
Top Chef in the making....
Growing up way too fast.....
Proud daddy :)
I was induced for 2 days and on the end of the second day ended up having a csection....totally unexpected. He was a very healthy boy. Weighing in at 8.8 lbs and 21 inches long.
Joel was a very happy and laid back baby. He is still is a very well tempered child. Joyful and peaceful. He is very sensative to others and has a very gentle and loving nature. He loves being around other people and LOVES his play kitchen! He gets super excited around people who are excited to see him. It's safe to say that his favorite person is my dad....Grandpa Hawkins. He can't get enough of him :) He's a talker and once he starts speaking in full sentences, he probablly won't stop talking. He is very busy and always on the move. He loves his little sister and doesn't seem too phased by her at all.
Winter 2009
Easter 2010
Spring 2010
Summer 2010
Joel's 1st Birthday
Top Chef in the making....
Growing up way too fast.....
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
In the past few years.....
I decided it would be very therapeutic for me to start blogging about my life. Not that it's super interresting, but a way to keep friends and family informed and to hopefully bring encouragement to others who might face similar experiences along the way.
The past 7 years in a nutshell.......
David and I were married November 6, 2004. Can't believe it will be 7 years this November! He was in the Marine Corps and stationed at Camp Lejeune for a little over 4 years. I moved down there after graduating college, which was a month after we were married. He went on a 6 month deployment 4 months after we were married and then got out soon after. We decided to stay in Jacksonville, NC for the next several years so he could finish school and looking back now, so God could establish a solid foundation in our marriage. Being there by ourselves forced us to deal with issues that arised without running to family and running to everything that was familiar to us. I beleive most all marriages go through this in the beginning stages. Learning to establish healthy boundaries that will in the long run strengthen the foundation when the storms come.....because they definately come! I am so grateful to have been involved in an awesome church down there (Rive of Life) to grow and learn what healthy leadership looked like. Also, some of the friends we made there are so valuable to us. And a shot out to my co-workers at OMH :)
In August 6, 2009 we welcomed our first child into the world. Joel Nathan Thomas. One of the biggest blessings in our lives. I will post a Joel only post with pictures from that day up until now. We felt it was time once David graduated from UNCW to move back home. "Home" is Buffalo NY to both of us. He got a job here with an alternative energy business that his father owns and so we moved back in July 2010. A few months prior to moving back we realized I was pregnant with our second child. Myah Joy Thomas was welcomed into the world on January 20, 2011. We were a little surprised to find out that she was born with Down Syndrome. I will post another blog on her and the journey we have gone through thus far. She is a true joy and blessing to our family.
We are moving next week into a home we purchased in Tonawanda. We are very excited to get our stuff out of storage and to have alot more space. In NC they don't have basements and our house didn't have a garage or storage attick, so our closets were stuffed to the brim with stuff. I am realizing how much "stuff" is really unnecessary. We are trying to live more simply, realizing we take nothing with us when we leave here.
We are very happy to be living in Buffalo again near all of our family. Our family rocks!
I hope to be encouraged and to encourage others through this blog. Sometimes life does not pan out the way we had hoped or even thought, but if our hearts are positioned right, then whatever God gives us, we can run with it and make the very best of the situation.
The past 7 years in a nutshell.......
David and I were married November 6, 2004. Can't believe it will be 7 years this November! He was in the Marine Corps and stationed at Camp Lejeune for a little over 4 years. I moved down there after graduating college, which was a month after we were married. He went on a 6 month deployment 4 months after we were married and then got out soon after. We decided to stay in Jacksonville, NC for the next several years so he could finish school and looking back now, so God could establish a solid foundation in our marriage. Being there by ourselves forced us to deal with issues that arised without running to family and running to everything that was familiar to us. I beleive most all marriages go through this in the beginning stages. Learning to establish healthy boundaries that will in the long run strengthen the foundation when the storms come.....because they definately come! I am so grateful to have been involved in an awesome church down there (Rive of Life) to grow and learn what healthy leadership looked like. Also, some of the friends we made there are so valuable to us. And a shot out to my co-workers at OMH :)
In August 6, 2009 we welcomed our first child into the world. Joel Nathan Thomas. One of the biggest blessings in our lives. I will post a Joel only post with pictures from that day up until now. We felt it was time once David graduated from UNCW to move back home. "Home" is Buffalo NY to both of us. He got a job here with an alternative energy business that his father owns and so we moved back in July 2010. A few months prior to moving back we realized I was pregnant with our second child. Myah Joy Thomas was welcomed into the world on January 20, 2011. We were a little surprised to find out that she was born with Down Syndrome. I will post another blog on her and the journey we have gone through thus far. She is a true joy and blessing to our family.
We are moving next week into a home we purchased in Tonawanda. We are very excited to get our stuff out of storage and to have alot more space. In NC they don't have basements and our house didn't have a garage or storage attick, so our closets were stuffed to the brim with stuff. I am realizing how much "stuff" is really unnecessary. We are trying to live more simply, realizing we take nothing with us when we leave here.
We are very happy to be living in Buffalo again near all of our family. Our family rocks!
I hope to be encouraged and to encourage others through this blog. Sometimes life does not pan out the way we had hoped or even thought, but if our hearts are positioned right, then whatever God gives us, we can run with it and make the very best of the situation.
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